((gosh remember the good 'ole days of TRL after school, with Carson Daily...oh it was my favorite!))
Well I am officially on Spring Break!! Sadly I will be working everyday... so it won't be much of a break. But Brandon's Birthday is on MONDAY!! Soo soon. So I will only be working until 1:00 so I can go home and celebrate with him! I am so excited for my babe to turn 21! It's like I will finally be turning 21 too, even though I have been for almost 4 months!
I am excited though to have some down time from school, I am going to deeeeeep clean my room. And I mean deep clean, clean everything...even under my bed! Having my bunnies and no washer/dryer in the house my room can get a bit out of control. I dislike it very much. When my room is a mess, my life is a mess. I am also excited to read. I have TWO books I need to finish up.
Her Fearful Symmetry by one of my favorite authors, Audrey Niffenegger
Rome Sweet Home by Scott and Kimberly Hahn
So hopefully break will proivde lots of free time to finish these up!
(oh yeah and Gus, my fa*got fingers thank you for reading as well! ;-) )
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