Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Feb Photos

Can you believe it is already the last day of JANUARY?!?
Can you believe it is like 60 degrees outside? 
Jeeze...me neither.

I hope everyone had a happy first month of the new year, mine was pretty darn good.  But moving forward, I  have decided I am going to participate in the Feb. Photo Challenge.  I am going to take a picture everyday in Feb and post them here!  So stay tuned! 


Wednesday, January 18, 2012



I read a lot of blogs.  It is how I get through my day at work that happens to be filled with hours of mindless tasks and calls - so I read blogs in the mean time.

My favorite blogs to read are; Rockstar DiariesSummer WindKelly's Korner, Kappa Prep, A Day In The LifeCollege Prep, and Elefantitas Alegres My Life....just not on the road I expected (below) 
Just to name a few.  My Google Reader is over loaded with blogs to read everyday.

So today on my daily blog check I stumbled upon this and I totally agree with her.  Reading blogs can really make one feel bad....especially some of the above, while I love reading their blogs I do not have a closet full of designer brands.  I don't wear LillyMy parent's do not have a lake house or a yacht.  I do not play piano or eat fancy foods.  That is why for a while I was trying to blog about what I do eat and what I do wear.  One can still look fabulous while wearing Old Navy, Target, Kohl's, etc...  It's not all about a dress that costs $950 and you will probably only wear it once (even though I really really really wish it were).  I don't go out every night or weekend for that matter and if I do go out and nice dinner at Chili's or O'Charley's is good for me.  I don't take very good picturesor many pictures and I don't really have rockin' play lists on my iPhone/pod. I hate to proof read therefore my posts are always filled with typo's. I do not have a million girlfriends and we don't take girl vacations to NYC or the Hampton's.  I am not nearly as religious as some of these ladies, nor do I do as much charity work.
BUT this is my blog and this is my life.  The thing that I love most about this blog is that it's mine.  It's my place to write little thoughts and experiences. I love my life and I wouldn't trade it for a whole heck of a lot.
What I am is lucky.  I live with the most amazing guy in the whole world.  Our romance is no fairy tale, but it's our romance.  We sit on the couch, avoid chores, get in stupid fights and tickle fights. 

I just wanted to say that. I agree with Karen, this blog is not supposed to bring anyone down or make them feel inadequate.  Hell not many people even read this.  More or less it's just my place to get away for a minute.  I work with guys, I live with guy and don't have many girl friends.  So it's nice to read these blogs and feel like these women are my friends....and girls always compare themselves to their friends.  But this year, it's my resolution to stop.  I am who I am and that is that.
So read Karen's words if you are interested.

I don't follow a whole lot of blogs because:
1. Reading blogs is a huge time-killer.
2. Sometimes blogs make me feel like crap.
But today, I got on the computer with the intent of checking one blog, but then I found a link to another blog that looked interesting and that lead me to a link of yet another blog and next thing I knew, three hours of my life was gone, just like that.
And I know better than to look at blogs that make me feel like crap, but that didn't stop me today. Today, I was all about reading the blogs blogged by bloggers who apparently live in pastel worlds with nothing but golden, hazy backlighting, where they serve every meal outdoors on tables adorned with fresh flowers and with chandeliers hanging from trees - all prepared by moms/bloggers whose hair falls in an array of effortless-looking curls, whose waists are small enough to be accentuated with cute belts worn over the top of quirky, but perfectly-matched blouses and sweaters - all finished off with a pair of funky, colorful heels.
And they probably even look like ladies when they walk in them.
And they probably own the best shops on Etsy.
And they probably even crochet coffee-cozies to slip over the top of their Starbucks cups.
And I was totally wallowing in jealousy as I realized it was 6:00 p.m. and that I was still in my pajamas (That way I don't have to change again before bedtime.) and that my kids still hadn't eaten dinner.
So in defeat, I loaded up my kids and took them to McDonalds, all the while guilting myself because I knew that they/the bloggers weren't sitting in the drive-through of McDonalds in their pajamas.
No, I pictured them wearing flowy, floral skirts, chasing her kids around the backyard while setting the dinner table with the sun filtering through the trees - and their husbands capturing all of it on film.
And when one of my kids complained because they wanted a 10 piece McNugget instead of a six piece McNugget, my response included a swear-word.
I'll bet they/the bloggers never swear.
They probably don't even raise their voice.
And then I locked myself in my office to gain some perspective while my kids sat downstairs eating dinner (McDonald's) by themselves.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Resolutions and other little musings...

So this year, much like every other year, I have set a couple resolutions.  Except this time around I plan to stick to them and work at them everyday.

1. Stop hitting the snooze button.
Does any one else have a terrible habit of this? I used to hit snooze three, four, five times a morning....just get up already!  It has been two weeks and I have only hit it once, but I felt bad so I got up before the alarm went off again.  Now I must admit, I am not hopping out of bed when the alarm sounds.  I turn the TV on watch The Today show for twenty minutes.  It is something I like to do for myself....so this resolution is for me. To get a little  time in with my friends Matt and Ann.
2. Drink less coffee and more tea.
I used to think I hated tea.  I had only given it a couple of chances in the past and never cared for it.  But I tried some delicious flavored hot tea and I am hooked!  When I was drinking coffee every morning I was adding so much creamer that I should have just poured myself a mug of calories and sugar.  But now I still get my caffeine fix (though it is less) and something warm to drink in the morning; but without all the calories and sugar and more health benefits. My favorites are green and black tea. This one is delicious, so is this one and this one.  I have actually gone two weeks (maybe longer) with out coffee and I am feeling good.
3. Workout.
I think everyone has this on their resolution list.  But I am already a gym member, have been for a long time now.  I am pretty much just flushing money down the toilet by only using it to tan a couple times a week.  And since Jeff has been working nights I have free time in the evening to get my workout in.  I have a goal weight and for the first time in a long time...I plan to reach it!
4.  Save!
I also have said this one every year, but now more than ever this one is important.  With Jeff and I living together and starting our lives I need to stop spending my money and dumb things and save for more important things. 
5. Be happy.
If you want to be happy, be.  This is my mantra and I really really really  try to follow it, but sometimes it's hard.  I need to stop comparing myself, my hair, my outfits and bank accounts to others.  I live with my fantastic boyfriend, I have food in the kitchen and clothes in my closet and plenty of shoes on my floor.  I have a job and a roof over my head and a car that gets me around.  I need to spend a little more time being thankful and grateful for what I have and less time lusting over the items I don't have.

Cheers 2012....it's only been 13 days...but I have a feeling this is going to be a marvelous year.