Friday, April 29, 2011

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge

I am so glad I woke up this morning to watch the Royal Wedding.  It was one of the most beautiful and touching ceremonies I have ever seen...and I have been to a lot of weddings.

Her dress was literally to die for.  I love "Katherine's" simple yet elegant style. She is a timeless beauty.  I loved how simple her hair and makeup was and how simple her bouquet was.  I think that is what surprised me the most.  I was more curious about her flowers than I was about her dress.  And she surprised me with the petite and classic bouquet, loved it though!

The one thing I can not imagine, her twelve mile hike down the aisle.  Oh my gosh, I would be tortured.  If my aisle is long, you better believe I am hiking up my dress and running down the aisle.  She was so calm and graceful during the whole process.

Ans when Prince Harry turned to look and her and then told William how beautiful she looked....that's when I lost it.  The sweetest thing ever.  Then I lost it again when William leaned over and whispered something to her.  Not sure what he said, but I know it was uber romantic.

I loved the vowes too, so classic, you don't hear them much anymore. I loved everything about the Royal Wedding. 

TGIF Everyone.
And tell someone you love and romantic will make you happy :)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Whoa time flies...

This past week has been Senior Week for my Sorority.  A week full of fun activites, tears, and memories.  I still remember the Senior Week from when I was a freshman, I seriously can not believe it is already my turn! On Tuesday I officialy became a Chi Omega Alumna! EEPPP
So for the Senior slide-show (which is shown tomorrow at the Senior date party!)  my parents had to send in baby pictures!  I love my baby pictures, because I really think I was super cute...judge me all ya want...but I was one cute kid!

Time is just moving super fast!
It is already SIXTEEN days until Graduation! 
EIGHTEEN days until Jeff and I leave for Charlotte to find a place to live
FORTY days until we move to Charlotte for good!!!
Forty days sounds like a loooong time to wait, but I know it will go by super quickly!

Movies & Books...

My ALL time favorite book is the Time Traveler's Wife. 
I was excited when I found out they were making it into a movie, but disappointed when the movie was not all that similar to the book. I didn't think the characters worked, the polt wasn't the same, it wasn't nearly as romantic...but you know that's how it usually goes.  I love the movie as a seperate entity from the book...they just share a title and simmilar ideas.

So when my second favorite book, Water for Elephants, was turned into a movie I was sceptical.  Then I saw the first trailer...and thought...WHAT? Robert Pattinson as way!  But the trailer interguied me.  The colors, the backdrop, vintage feel it all worked perfectly.  So when I found out that I had last Friday off work I was pretty pumped to go see the movie.  

And you know what...the movie did the book justice.  They left a few things out that I thought were vital to the plot of the book, but it worked out well in the end.  The acting was phenomenal...and everything flowed so well.  I was quite pleased. 

Happy Thursday!

Monday, April 18, 2011

I'll be your honey bee

EEP! I just love this is so perfect because I am a big dork and I call jeffrey hunny bee. (yeah, I spell it hunny, I like it that way better.) So when I first heard this song it just fit.

Girl i've been thinkin 'bout us
and you know i aint good at this stuff
but these feelings pilin' up wont give me no rest
this might come out a little crazy
a little sideways yeah maybe
i dont know how long it'll take me but ill do my best

you'll be my soft and sweet i'll be your strong and steady
you'll be my glass of wine i'll be your shot of whiskey
you'll be my sunny day i'll be your shade tree
you'll be my honey suckle i'll be your honey bee

yeah that came out a little country but every word was right on the money
and i got you smiling funny right back at me
now hold on cause i aint done theres more where that came from
well you know im just havin fun but seriously

You'll be my louisianna i'll be your mississippi
you'll be my little loretta i'll be your conway twitty
you'll be my sugar baby i'll be your sweet ice tea
you'll be my honey suckle i'll be your honey bee

your kiss just said it all
i'm glad we had this talk
nothing left to do but fall in each others arms
i coulda said i love you
coulda wrote you a line or two
baby all i know to do is speak right from the heart

you'll be my soft and sweet i'll be your strong and steady
you'll be my glass of wine i'll be your shot of whiskey
you'll be my sunny day i'll be you shade tree
you'll be my honey suckle i'll be your honey bee
you'll be my louisianna i'll be your mississippi
you'll be my little loretta i'll be you conway twitty
you'll be my sugar baby i'll be your sweet ice tea
you'll be my honey suckle i'll be your honey bee

i'll be your honey bee

Happy Singing :) 


Only ONE more week until I can have an ice cold delicious Pepsi.
Mmmm....I can not wait!

I have done better than I thought I would this Lenten season. I only slipped up once, when I took a sip of Sprite because I was dying of thirst at Formal and the only other thing in our villa was alcohol. But I am pretty proud of myself.  I thought I would maybe loose a little weight due to my forty pop free days...but, uhh, no such luck.  I found that I have tripled my coffee intake, which certainly doesn't help the waist line. 

Happy Monday.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Another traveling weekend...

The weeks have just been  f l y i n g as of late.  It's work work school school...sleep sleep sleep.  Then Friday comes along and I work a half day then take off to somewhere wonderful with my hunny bee.  First it was Indianapolis, then it was Galena, now its Chicago (next week its MAHOMET! woot).  I am very much looking forward to a lazy weekend with his parents and sister. 
We are in for a gloomy ride's raining. 

Check out how good looking we are though...
Formal in Galena

At Butler!

I am so lucky to have an incredible guy that takes me on lots of "staycations"

Oh and one for good and my brother at the circus a few weeks back...and yes we were the oldest children there! :)

Youth is a wonderful thing.  What a crime to waste it on children. 
~George Bernard ShawStay young and have fun!
I'm taking my own advice this weekend.
Talk to ya Monday!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I believe in....

Have you ever seen the movie Bull Durham? Last night I saw the first twenty-ish minutes then fell asleep. Jeffrey had to watch it for class
But I did see this part and loooved it...
Crash Davis: Well, I believe in the soul, the cock, the pussy, the small of a woman's back, the hanging curve ball, high fiber, good scotch, that the novels of Susan Sontag are self-indulgent, overrated crap. I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I believe there ought to be a constitutional amendment outlawing Astroturf and the designated hitter. I believe in the sweet spot, soft-core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days. 

It's like the guy version of this....
Audrey Hepburn: I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.


Friday, April 8, 2011

Another "Vacation"

Jeffrey calls our weekend getaways "Vacation"
Last week when we were at Butler he kept saying "Just relax, we're on Vacation!" and of course little miss pessimist...I'm like "uh no, we're not! A vacation would mean an airplane ride or a super long car ride and a beach... we are just in Indiana."
But I guess I will get off my high-horse this weekend and enjoy our vacation. We are going to Galena!
Just check out how b e a u t i f u l this place is. Too bad I won't have a camera to take pictures
(not like I would anyways...but maybe?)

For this vacation there will be lots of laughing, lots of drinking, lots of snuggling, lots of dancing, a pretty girl and a super handsome boy.
We leave in just a couple of hours and I can't wait.

We are staying in a villa and sharing a car ride up with this guy though....hope I don't get myself another fist to the face.


Happy Friday!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Who created the stars?

So I am struggling with a class right now....just like I did two years ago in Biology.
I hate what they teach. I hate how it is "science's way" or the highway.
I am in astronomy right now and we are doing a lot of talking about how the galaxy was formed, how starts are born, how our solar system came to be. And it is all nuclear fusion, nuclear fusion, and a big bang. Well while there might have been a little nuclear fusion going on...something bigger and much better had to create the particles in space that could react with each other....this vast area of dark openness had to be created by someone. I believe it was created by God.
Sure, the world could not exist without a little science...but is it all science. No way Jose! Scientists have a strong "faith" in their belief. They can not prove what happened 100 billion years ago. They don't know exactly. Just like a Christian can not prove what happened's all about F A I T H
I just hate how our faith is discounted and their faith is right.
To me is hypocrisy and I can not stand sitting in that class.

I look up at your heavens, shaped by your fingers, at the moon and the stars you set firm-
Psalms 8:3

There is a movie that Jeff keeps saying I should watch, before I get my panties all in a bunch some more. It was written by Ben Stein and he also stars in it. It is called Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed. And it combines the ideas of God and science. So I think I will watch it...because I do believe science has some correct ideas, but I also think Christians do too.

That's all of my ranting.

Happy Thursday.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Butler was SSSOOOO  much fun this past weekend.
I had a super duper time meeting new people, hanging out with my hunny, drinking all day, cheering for the bulldogs and enjoying the lovely weather.

3 bits of sad news though...
1. I left my ID and camera in Indy. Jack is mailing my ID but I told him not to pay the postage for the camera. SAD. So I am without pictures (because I DID take some!) and won't have a camera for formal this weekend :(
2. Jeffrey's GPS got stolen out of my car...guess the doors got left unlocked :(
3. Butler lost in the championship last night to UConn. Booo
Found at one of my favorite blogs...Here!
I love this!
I need to change my attitude and think in a more less organized fashion.
I worry too much about what other people think.
I worry too much about what I think.
I worry about money.
I worry about the future.
I just worry.
I don't relax, if I knew where to find "chill pills" believe me, I would take four a day.
So this little print, was made for me.

I guess that's why I am moving to North Carolina...because I can.
The world is my playground. It's time to live.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Gotta get down on Friday... it really April already?
I completely forgot April was upon us until I was listening to the radio this morning and they were talking about I didn't pull any and please don't pull any on me.
Kati don't play those games.

You Make Me Happy When Skies Are Gray
v i a

Anyways... I am SUPER excited for this weekend.
Jeffrey and I are going down to Butler to visit one of his best friends and watch Butler play VCU tomorrow.
I am really looking forward to having a good time and enjoying the weekend just being a college student.
I am going to TRYYY my very hardest to take pictures. I need to be better at that!

It is also my momma's birthday this weekend! So of course I can not wait to have dinner with my family and celebrate my glorious momma!

One last random thing....this made me happy.
---Yesterday I was at Target picking up a few things and a young woman (like 25ish) came up to me and complimented my purse. A simple compliment turned into a ten minute conversation in the birthday card isle at Target. It was so fun to chat with a really friendly young woman. She also went to Bradley U and told me about her time and there and asked me about mine, told her about my after school plans. And DUH we talked about our love for Coach. I wish this woman could be my best friend. She was fabulous.
Thank you for talking to me lady, you kind of made my day.

It was super refreshing. There are still nice people in the world.

Happy Friday.
Happy April.