Monday, January 17, 2011

Hood Rat Shit...

So guess who is rockin' a sweet black eye?
This girl.

First black eye in my life. Not gonna lie, I feel a little bad ass. I took a in the way of a punch. It was just silly boys goofing off and i was just sitting to close. It was pretty hilarious, but my eye hurts like a son of a bitch today.
Right after the crime, getting iced up.
Luckily I have a supportive boyfriend that willing to pose for pictures with me.
He is pretty awesome.
Even though he is a bears fan. vom.  

And here it is kind of make it look not that bad. But it's pretty bad. It's puffy and sore and black and blue and a little green.
So that was my weekend. Just out doing hood rat shit. Getting punched in the face.

Happy Monday! starts wednesday. vom.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! I can't believe you have a black eye! Hopefully Jeff is taking good care of you & I'm not going to lie, a black eye is pretty badass :) Great way to start your last semester lol
