Yes, this weekend was perfect!
Brandon had the whole weekend off, so that meant lots of time to play! It also happened to be Greek Weekend! We had lots of friends in town, and for once we got to act like crazy college kids! Friday we drank too much which resulted in a huugggge bruise/cut on the back of my leg. It also made us very very hungry the next day. I swear I ate 4x the healthy amount of food. We ate out for every meal, and had to eat everything in sight. It was disgusting, but totally awesome! Besides eating everything in Peoria; Saturday we had some delicious spiked watermelon balls I crafted up, enjoyed the beautiful weather, took a lovely nap, and played with our friends some more! :)
After a crazy two days Sunday, I woke up feeling real crappy. Which put a damper on our plans to visit my Grandma. Should have known with it being Greek weekend we would totally not feel up for the 4 hour drive. I will see her at the end of July, so all is well. Grandma understood. With the whole day now to ourselves, we lounged around for a while, made some breakfast...then decided it was time for me to make the big purchase I have been wanting to make for a while now. I finally bought an Ipod Touch!! Wooohooo! It sucked running my debit card through the machine and saying arrivederci to my hard earned denaro. But I had the money and was ready to have a fun new toy! I played with it all day and I have so many cool apps (YAY for Apps!) and games and all my music! I just love it!
*They even have an OPI app! I had to get it...duhh!!!
After hours of figuring out my toy, and having a super stiff neck! I made the best dinner ever. Yes, I am going to brag on myself for a moment. Because this dinner was killer, it was so delish! I made teriyaki marinated chicken breasts...(hugggh chicken breasts.) I also made green beans and noodles!
The chicken and that marinade, to die for. So good!
This is the marinade, it was so simple, just throw the meat in the bag, and let it do its thing. I let it sit for 1 hour. It was so good!

*I love the phrase, SO GOOD! It's just SO GOOD!
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