So I have been feeling a little on the ugly side lately...and it is really bringing me down. I have put on a little extra weight...but I can't seem to find the motivation to workout or be careful with what I eat. I always say YES to that extra beer or candy bar after dinner... ugghhh. I have been doing my yoga video (but it is hard as hell) and I even woke up early to do some yoga moves and push ups...I have even done some squats, lunges and bicep curls here in the office today while I was alone. But gosh...I am just feeling like a big ole ugly chunk ball. And I hate my hair. I totally regret cutting it...just like everyone said I would. I am stupidly pale, even though I went to the pool this weekend. I have to go to a family cookout/lake party this weekend and I can not go feeling like this. It is such a bummer.
I probably will not be putting up the family pictures from the Zoo trip last weekend because those make me look extra disgusting.
Brandon tries to make me feel sexy...but it doesn't really help.
I want to loose 13 lbs and weigh 105 again (yes..I have really gotten that heavy...) I want my hair to grow 8 inches and I want my skin color to be 3 shades darker.
I don't even know why I do this to myself...I don't know why. I am sure no one looks at me and says, "hmmm her hair is a weird length and man look at her lunch lady arms." But I sure do.
Oh and I have three zits. And of course I have picked at them all. Yep.
Luckily I only have one more hour left at work...and then it will be home. To have venison tacos for dinner with the boys and a movie night with my dear friend Katy! :)
Monday, June 28, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Yesterday was a FANTASTIC day...until my parked car got hit! Luckily ther person stopped and told me. Bummer for him though, it's gonna cost $1400 to fix and will be in the shop for 3 daysss. UGHH. But he has State Farm Insurance and they are fantastic, I should know, I work here! :) So hopefully that gets cleared up ASAP!
But Brandon and I went on a little date last night, and it was really nice. We went to Good Tequila's for dinner and had some delish grub :) I had a strawberry marg and Brandon had a Dos Equis! Then we went on a little drive around town and up to Grand View Drive. I had been wanting to go for a long time. Brandon and I love to look at big, gorgeous houses and there are plenty to look at up there. GVD also overlooks the surprisingly beautiful Peoria River. Holy cow I was blown away by how lovely it was! Who knew Peoria was so pretty! I want to not drive around next time, I want to walk and have a picnic! Wouldn't that be sweet!?! We also drove down High Street and looked at all the old, big, gorgeous houses there. Ah we love houses! :) car got hit. Then I went to bed.
And a little soapbox speech...
While I was doing my daily blog check, one of my favorites posted this. One was enough. Not that many people read my blog, but maybe...check it out and consider getting your Adult Pertussis Vaccination. Pertussis (whooping cough) is a very sad and scary. We don't want this disease to come back and take the lives of the precious babies in our country. Just think about it. Do some research, I know I am going to. ESPECIALLY if you have kids, your thinking about kids, baby sit, or whatever. Think about it.
Happy Happy Friday!
But Brandon and I went on a little date last night, and it was really nice. We went to Good Tequila's for dinner and had some delish grub :) I had a strawberry marg and Brandon had a Dos Equis! Then we went on a little drive around town and up to Grand View Drive. I had been wanting to go for a long time. Brandon and I love to look at big, gorgeous houses and there are plenty to look at up there. GVD also overlooks the surprisingly beautiful Peoria River. Holy cow I was blown away by how lovely it was! Who knew Peoria was so pretty! I want to not drive around next time, I want to walk and have a picnic! Wouldn't that be sweet!?! We also drove down High Street and looked at all the old, big, gorgeous houses there. Ah we love houses! :) car got hit. Then I went to bed.
And a little soapbox speech...
While I was doing my daily blog check, one of my favorites posted this. One was enough. Not that many people read my blog, but maybe...check it out and consider getting your Adult Pertussis Vaccination. Pertussis (whooping cough) is a very sad and scary. We don't want this disease to come back and take the lives of the precious babies in our country. Just think about it. Do some research, I know I am going to. ESPECIALLY if you have kids, your thinking about kids, baby sit, or whatever. Think about it.
Happy Happy Friday!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Food and things...
So usually every morning I get an Iced Coffee from DD. But this morning I was up early enough and decided to try and make my own iced coffee. It needed longer to cool, but it was pretty good! I think I will try it again...and save some $$ too! I think if I make the coffee the night before it will be nice a chilly in the morning!
I also did another work out last night, but it was still hard and I again did not do the whole thing. :/ I think I am going to ask Brandon to accompany me on a light jog this evening followed by some walking... if it's not storming! I realized I have to be in a bathing suit again on July 3rd, so it is time to really slim down and shape up...and get my tan on!!!
I also had some more watermelon, forgot how annoying the seeds were though! But mmmMMMmmm it sure was delicious!
So my dinner tonight will not be healthy at all...I really want Mac-N-Cheese Hamburgers. I saw this magnificent creation on the travel channel, it was on a preview for one of their shows. And oh my GOD how did I not come up with this sooner?!? I already put Mac-N-Cheese on everything....Tacos, Hot Dogs, mix it in with Corn...I mean this will just be fantastic! :)
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Fish, coloring, working out, and unpacking.

***Update*** I also tried Venison! And liked it! Woo go me!
So even though I am becoming a big girl, I am still a little girl at heart. Monday after work...and my work out... I went to Michael's The Arts & Craft store and bought new coloring supplies (new crayons, colored pencils, and markers!) and a big roll, 46 ft . of continuous coloring pages! I sat down at the coffee table on the floor and colored from 7 pm to 10:30 pm. It was GLORIOUS! I had so much fun, just coloring. Brandon made fun of me, just a little bit. But really it was such an awesome and relaxing night! I can't wait to finish the roll so I can get a new one! :)
Yepp...I did my Jillian Michael's Yoga Meltdown video on Monday. HOLY COW IT WAS HARD!!! I only did about half the video before I decided I needed to watch it to figure out what the heck she was doing! Being a first time Yoga do-er it was really hard. I am still sore. I am gonna stick with it though and hopefully get good at it!
Today, Brandon doesn't get off work until 8:00 pm so I guess I will be at my new house doing some more unpacking! I hate unpacking, it is the most unrelaxing thing everr! I just want to snap my fingers, wiggle my nose, nod my head or something so it will be be done!
Happy Hump Day!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Happy Happy Summer!
Today I am in a super great mood...maybe because I had a fantastic weekend and I have the greatest boyfriend in the world!
This weekend I went home for father's day to be with the BEST day in the universe! I love my dad more than I could ever explain! We went to the St.Louis Zoo and had a great day! Even though It was reallllly hot! My family loves the zoo. And I made them be dorky with me! We wore our animal hats...all day! It was incredibly ridiculous, but super fun! We got some funny looks, some complements and we even got made fun of in a foreign language! I love that my family can be dorky with me. Even my brother rocked his hat all day! A family picture and more picture of the day will come soon!
This is me with a goat...and my elephant hat! Haha. Told you it was dorky.
I also got to have a really nice and much needed chat with my best friend Jessica! She is out in Colorado right now, on CHWC staff and I miss her sssooo much! I was glad to be able to chat with her for a while! Can't wait to see her when she gets back!
And have I mentioned how much my boyfriend rocks? Well he does. Friday and today he has brought me Dunkin' Donuts Ice Coffee and a donut to work! :) He knows how to keep his girl happy.
Love you babe!
Today officially marks the FIRST DAY OF SUMMER! And this is what my week will *hopefully* look like...
-Jillian Michael's yoga...everyday. I promise!
-Going to the driving range with Brandon...we are gonna take up the sport of golf.
-Finishing up my room! I have technically lived in my new house since May 31....but just started unpacking Saturday! Need to get that done!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
"Beautiful for you"
Here is our group, Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church, that attended CHWC! They are seriously the best! These kids have a really bright future ahead of them!
Also everyone should check out, Andy Cloninger !
He was our singer the week of workcamp and he is FANTASTIC!!!!!
I bought his CD...Now I Know... and it is beyond amazing!
-Beautiful for you and Do you love me? are just two of my favorites...but I love them ALL!
I will for sure be buying more CD's of his, he is the!
And hilarious!
Monday, June 14, 2010
I'm baaack!
I got back from Mississippi Saturday evening and have been exhausted since. I slept the majority of Sunday and now I am dragging at work. My boss even brought me Starbucks this morning because he could hear how tired I was on the phone!
I was in Mississippi for Catholic Heart Workcamp and it was a blast! I had gone twice in high school and went this year as an adult chaperon. What a totally different experience it was! I didn't go with a big group of friends, I actually only knew a couple people going and I was there to set an example and be an adult! I really felt so proud to be a young girl with tremendous faith.
And I felt wicked awesome when some of the high schoolers thought I was 25! Oh Yeah!
I was so nervous to go on this trip with high schoolers that I did not know at all and a couple adults that I only kind of knew. Two other adults were from my graduating class. But everything was great! I quickly got to know all the adult chaperons better and I even got close with a few of the campers!
I was so blessed all week and I have never felt closer to God or stronger in my faith. I am truly blessed to have an amazing relationship with the Lord. I am thankful that I was strong enough to come out of my very comfortable comfort zone and go on this trip.
I will blog more about it later and hopefully have some pictures I can put up!
I was in Mississippi for Catholic Heart Workcamp and it was a blast! I had gone twice in high school and went this year as an adult chaperon. What a totally different experience it was! I didn't go with a big group of friends, I actually only knew a couple people going and I was there to set an example and be an adult! I really felt so proud to be a young girl with tremendous faith.
And I felt wicked awesome when some of the high schoolers thought I was 25! Oh Yeah!
I was so nervous to go on this trip with high schoolers that I did not know at all and a couple adults that I only kind of knew. Two other adults were from my graduating class. But everything was great! I quickly got to know all the adult chaperons better and I even got close with a few of the campers!
I was so blessed all week and I have never felt closer to God or stronger in my faith. I am truly blessed to have an amazing relationship with the Lord. I am thankful that I was strong enough to come out of my very comfortable comfort zone and go on this trip.
I will blog more about it later and hopefully have some pictures I can put up!
Friday, June 4, 2010
10 Things That Bring Me Happiness
1. Going to Steak-N-Shake or Ihop past 11:30 pm.
2. Ice cold Pepsi's
3. Receiving care packages from my parents
4. Dunkin Donuts Cinnamon flavored ice coffee
5. Kisses from Cooper
6. Cuddling with Brandon
7. How excited Peyton and Eli (dogs) get when I come home (to my parents house) they always miss me
8. Fresh ground black pepper
9. Kings Island
10. Football season
Thursday, June 3, 2010
I cried.
In the dressing room at Old Navy, after I put on a bathing suit. I cried. A couple tears streamed down my face as I looked in the mirror and remembered that I have NOT been eating healthy, or doing my workout video. Yep, I have to wear a bathing suit next week and I look like a heifer and I am pale pale pale! EW! So I bought the Jillian Michael's Yoga Meltdown video and a new yoga mat and set out to workout. Well then I remembered that I am still in the process of moving and I don't have anywhere to work out at. So I thought, I will just take it Brandon's and do it there....yeah no! We sat around, did some laundry and then went to The Ice Cream Shack (yumm!) with our friends. I did get a small ice cream, and only ate half of it. That was good right? And I packed a salad for lunch today! That's good too. And I am now only allowing myself 3 Pepsi's per week. I had three yesterday alone! That's probably why I am such a cow! It's really sad and pathetic! Plus being pale does not help one single bit!
Okay anyways, I bought a Vera Bradley duffel bag for my trip to Mississippi! I love it. It's in the print Make Me Blush doesn't it sound like an OPI nail polish name? I love it. I am not too big into Vera Bradley things, I have a couple little items and a day planner (which I really do love! a lot!) but I knew this duffel would be perfect in size for my trip. So I got it.
So I have been trying to move into my new house all week! I have all my stuff there, but my landlord has yet to clean. Everyday she pushes it off. I can't do anything until she cleans. I hear she sucks at life. She will be hearing from my parents real soon! haha. Yep it has come to my parents having to call. Sad. So luckily Brandon and his room mates have let Cooper and I stay at his place. Thanks.
My brother graduated from High School on Sunday! It was a pretty crazy day. This upcoming Saturday is his grad party! :) Then I leave for Mississippi!
And one other know my love of bridal/wedding blogs, well Style Me Pretty (SMP) is one of my favorites. Sometimes they drive me nuts and show off wayyy to many rustic/DIY/vintage weddings. There are only so many times when mason jars and wild flowers can be breath-taking. But that's just me. This wedding they posted today though, did indeed make my heart stop. I love it.

So I have been trying to move into my new house all week! I have all my stuff there, but my landlord has yet to clean. Everyday she pushes it off. I can't do anything until she cleans. I hear she sucks at life. She will be hearing from my parents real soon! haha. Yep it has come to my parents having to call. Sad. So luckily Brandon and his room mates have let Cooper and I stay at his place. Thanks.
My brother graduated from High School on Sunday! It was a pretty crazy day. This upcoming Saturday is his grad party! :) Then I leave for Mississippi!

I mean is it not the prettiest thing ever? The bows the light the shoes! I love it!
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