In the dressing room at Old Navy, after I put on a bathing suit. I cried. A couple tears streamed down my face as I looked in the mirror and remembered that I have NOT been eating healthy, or doing my workout video. Yep, I have to wear a bathing suit next week and I look like a heifer and I am pale pale pale! EW! So I bought the Jillian Michael's Yoga Meltdown video and a new yoga mat and set out to workout. Well then I remembered that I am still in the process of moving and I don't have anywhere to work out at. So I thought, I will just take it Brandon's and do it there....yeah no! We sat around, did some laundry and then went to The Ice Cream Shack (yumm!) with our friends. I did get a small ice cream, and only ate half of it. That was good right? And I packed a salad for lunch today! That's good too. And I am now only allowing myself 3 Pepsi's per week. I had three yesterday alone! That's probably why I am such a cow! It's really sad and pathetic! Plus being pale does not help one single bit!

Okay anyways, I bought a Vera Bradley duffel bag for my trip to Mississippi! I love it. It's in the print
Make Me Blush doesn't it sound like an OPI nail polish name? I love it. I am not too big into Vera Bradley things, I have a couple little items and a day planner (which I really do love! a lot!) but I knew this duffel would be perfect in size for my trip. So I got it.
So I have been trying to move into my new house all week! I have all my stuff there, but my landlord has yet to clean. Everyday she pushes it off. I can't do anything until she cleans. I hear she sucks at life. She will be hearing from my parents real soon! haha. Yep it has come to my parents having to call. Sad. So luckily Brandon and his room mates have let Cooper and I stay at his place. Thanks.
My brother graduated from High School on Sunday! It was a pretty crazy day. This upcoming Saturday is his grad party! :) Then I leave for Mississippi!

And one other know my love of bridal/wedding blogs, well Style Me Pretty (SMP) is one of my favorites. Sometimes they drive me nuts and show off wayyy to many rustic/DIY/vintage weddings. There are only so many times when mason jars and wild flowers can be breath-taking. But that's just me. This
wedding they posted today though, did indeed make my heart stop. I love it.
These images are just perfection!
Pure perfection.
I mean is it not the prettiest thing ever? The bows the light the shoes! I love it!
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