Monday, October 24, 2011

I will.

So I have mentioned a few times about my sheer laziness when it comes to going to the gym.  But I am bound and determined to get my lazy behind out of bed and just go.  It should be easy, Jeff gets up at 5:30 so I should get up too!  I WILL DO IT!

I will get up and go the gym
I will.
I will get up and go the gym
I will.
I will get up and go the gym
I will.
I will get up and go the gym
I will.
I will get up and go the gym
I will.
I will get up and go the gym
I will.
I will get up and go the gym
I will.
I will get up and go the gym
I will.
I will get up and go the gym
I will.
I will get up and go the gym
I will.
I will get up and go the gym
I will.
I will get up and go the gym
I will.
I will get up and go the gym
I will.
I will get up and go the gym
I will.

How do you motivate yourself to go the gym?  Apparently seeing the number on the scale creep up and my jeans becoming snug are not good enough for me. I need something better.

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