Thursday, February 10, 2011

green is my favorite color.

This morning I woke up pretty early....on my day to sleep in, I was up at 7:15.
Maybe it's because I knew that I have tons to do today, and I couldn't be lazy and sleep until 10:30.
So I woke up, cleaned a little bit, went tanning, and then treated myself to a Starbucks.
A VENTI white chocolate mocha....with 2% milk and whip.
Yeah that's a uber oh well if I can't fit into my dress this weekend.
Sad news is I now have less than $2 on my SB gift card that Jeffrey gave me a while back.

While I do love a good Starbucks every now and again, I will ALWAYS be a dunkin' girl :) 
I have a counseling appt. at until then, I have WORK very hard on a presentation that I have to give at 3:00 today. 
Have I mentioned how I have the worst case of senioritis? I do. I have to give a 20 minute presentation on a case study...and give my recommendations on how to "fix it" as if I were a consultant. Well all I have done is read the case. 
So here is hoping I get it done. 
The thing that I am most dreading though, is my trek across campus in dress clothes and heels. Why do professors always make us dress up for presentations. HELLO IT'S 3 DEGREE's OUTSIDE! Let me wear jeans and boots, I promise I will wear a cardigan and look nice...Urggg. 

But after this presentation I am free from school work until Sunday, when I have a group project for my event planning class...which is the dumbest class ever btw. 

Alright Alright...guess I'll get started on this case. 


(hey....check me out too...

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