Senior Year Woodsy.
It's bitter sweet.
But so exciting.
We are having a "Big Willy" party, only with us five and our dates.
I am so excited to hang out with the roommates and go to Woodsy!
Big Willy! |
We are all making/buying an appetizer so we can munch...we all love to eat.
I think it's all we do. Eat and girl talk.
So I am making
this and buying
something like this. Yes, I hate that I am going to buy it.
But I such a picky eater, that if I know what's in it I won't eat it.
The recipe's I am reading are calling for mayo and sour cream or ranch and olives.
So I will buy it. Because I know it like it from the store. :)
But yumm yumm to a chocolate chip cheese ball...I think it will taste like cheesecake.
And I like that.
I think we will be drinking Goldschalger, or Rumplemintz.
Even though Rumps is a Hogger thing... hmm
Oh yeah, Thanks Mom for getting me hooked on Goldschalger.
Your the best.
Tonight is my office "Open House". I am kind of excited. Kind of worried, I hope people come.
The office is fully pained and lookes pretty good.
I'm still a little iffy over the blue trim, wish I would have picked a green or a maroon.
Oh well.
My today will be a long one. Been here (@work) since 8:30 will be here until 7.
Then a group meeting...for our 75 minute presentation that is next Wednesday, and oh yeah we haven't started anything.
Followed by Pan.Fra.Sing practice!
Then making a chocolate chip cheese ball and trying to catch up on Grey's & P.P.
Since I missed it last week.
Whew. Makes me tired just thinking about it.
One more thing....look at my cute little monsters I drew in my notes.
I'm pretty awesome.
Happy Thursday.