What's Your Number - This was a classic chick flick, 100% predictable, yet super cute. Jeff and I both enjoyed it and laughed through out. I really liked the characters and the story line. I was surprised I liked it so much because I do not like Ana Faris that much, but she was perfect for the role and Chris Evans is super cute and I loved his character.
50/50 - I loved this one. I laughed, I cried and I laughed again. Really cute, I don't want to say much that would give away the ending but I 100% recommend renting this one. The tale of two friends is loving, honest and fun.
Drive - I did not know what to expect from this one. When we were at Red Box I did not want to get it but Jeff said he heard it was good. So I obliged thinking I would just take a nap during it....but I was incredibly surprised. Right off the bat I was intrigued with the music and the scenes, but I still had no idea where this movie was going. Once it got going and I knew the plot I really liked it a lot. It was really bloody and made my stomach flip a few times; but overall I was quite pleased with the movie and would recommend it. Ladies watch this with your guy and then make him watch one of the two below with you!

One Day - Now this is movie to see if you want to cry sob uncontrollably. I loved it, for sure one of the greatest movies I have ever seen. I loved Anne Hatheway and Jim Sturgess they played their parts so well. I loved the story line and the epic love story. I loved every second of it even though it broke my heart into a million pieces, I getting weepy just thinking of it....yes I was that attached to the characters. Please please please rent this movie - I think I might even buy it. Jeff did not watch it, he was at work, so I can't say what a guy would think, but ladies I promise you will love this.
Have you seen any good/bad movies lately?
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