Sunday, September 11, 2011


10 years ago our country was brutally attacked and crushed by pure hatred.  September 11, 2001 is a day that I will never forget.  I was sitting in art class when the first plane hit then moved to choir class when the towers fell.  School was let out early that day and I went home to find my mom in hysterics.  My little family in central Indiana was shocked and in pure disbelief.  While sad for the people who were directly affected by this terrible event we had someone else on our dad. What was this going to mean for him?  My dad at the time was stationed in Korea with the US Army. My dad was a soldier.  What was going to happen next?  Was he going to be able to come home - would he go to war - when would he go - what would he do?  As a twelve-year old girl my heart was broken when I watched the towers falls. To hear the stories of the families that lost loved ones.  To wonder what would come next.  
My dad did go to war.  He went to war for eleven months and eight days.  He served and fought hard in the US Military with many other brave men and women.  To my dad and to the many other soldiers, to the first responders and  to those who heroically gave their lives to save others and our country; I thank you from the bottom of my heart.  Thank you for serving our country.  I have always been a proud child of America, but for the past ten years I have been extremely proud to call myself an American and an Army Brat.  

God Bless America. 

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