Friday, January 13, 2012

Resolutions and other little musings...

So this year, much like every other year, I have set a couple resolutions.  Except this time around I plan to stick to them and work at them everyday.

1. Stop hitting the snooze button.
Does any one else have a terrible habit of this? I used to hit snooze three, four, five times a morning....just get up already!  It has been two weeks and I have only hit it once, but I felt bad so I got up before the alarm went off again.  Now I must admit, I am not hopping out of bed when the alarm sounds.  I turn the TV on watch The Today show for twenty minutes.  It is something I like to do for this resolution is for me. To get a little  time in with my friends Matt and Ann.
2. Drink less coffee and more tea.
I used to think I hated tea.  I had only given it a couple of chances in the past and never cared for it.  But I tried some delicious flavored hot tea and I am hooked!  When I was drinking coffee every morning I was adding so much creamer that I should have just poured myself a mug of calories and sugar.  But now I still get my caffeine fix (though it is less) and something warm to drink in the morning; but without all the calories and sugar and more health benefits. My favorites are green and black tea. This one is delicious, so is this one and this one.  I have actually gone two weeks (maybe longer) with out coffee and I am feeling good.
3. Workout.
I think everyone has this on their resolution list.  But I am already a gym member, have been for a long time now.  I am pretty much just flushing money down the toilet by only using it to tan a couple times a week.  And since Jeff has been working nights I have free time in the evening to get my workout in.  I have a goal weight and for the first time in a long time...I plan to reach it!
4.  Save!
I also have said this one every year, but now more than ever this one is important.  With Jeff and I living together and starting our lives I need to stop spending my money and dumb things and save for more important things. 
5. Be happy.
If you want to be happy, be.  This is my mantra and I really really really  try to follow it, but sometimes it's hard.  I need to stop comparing myself, my hair, my outfits and bank accounts to others.  I live with my fantastic boyfriend, I have food in the kitchen and clothes in my closet and plenty of shoes on my floor.  I have a job and a roof over my head and a car that gets me around.  I need to spend a little more time being thankful and grateful for what I have and less time lusting over the items I don't have.

Cheers's only been 13 days...but I have a feeling this is going to be a marvelous year.

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