Friday, March 23, 2012


Worst Pins of the week.

When browsing Pinterest sometimes I can't help but think...what the heck? People pin the silliest things sometimes.  Here is a small collection of the weirdest things I have seen this past week on Pinterest.
Keep pinning away my friends, keeps me entertained when Jeff works late! 
Now, please don't get my wrong....I LOVE bunnies.  Have even pinned a few myself
but at least they are doing something....not just giving the death stare. Right? 

The Hamburger Helper Hand Hat. WTF? Need I say more. 

This was pinned with the caption "Thermodynamics"
Alright...get off Pinterest and study!

And this....maybe it's a soccer thing, but it also kind of looks like
an Asian Cartoon, whatever those are called. 
Interesting? I imagine it would be hot and stuffy in there. 

This might give me nightmares.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Spice up your life...

I'm not sure if anyone else can relate to me here but....I love the Spice Girls with all my heart.  I always have and I can pretty much guarantee that I always will.

You see this dates back to second or third grade when these outrageous women first popped on the music scene.  My dad was apart of this "club"? where we got super cheap CD's, every month we would get a catalog of CD's and we could order whatever we wanted for just a few cents...anyone remember this?  Well anyways the first CD's I ever got are still my favorites.  The Wallflowers, Lisa Loeb, Jewel and The Spice Girls.
While I am pretty sure listening to NYSNC or 98degrees would make my ears bleed the Spice Girls will always be a favorite of mine.  I have all their CD's on my laptop, on my phone, on my iTouch and in actual CD form for when I want to pop on in while I am in the car.

Anyone know what kind of love I am talking about here?  The first dances I ever choreographed and performed for my family and neighbors were to The Spice Girls.  Every time I hear one of their songs I am immediately back in Maine with my best friends dancing in the backyard without a care in the world, cool grass in my toes and warm sun on our faces. These memories are some of the happiest of my life and they are feelings/memories I never want to forget.
So thanks Spice Girls for keeping me young, keeping me happy and always reminding me that if you can't dance, you can't do nothing for me baby and that if times are rough or if I am having a bad day all I need to do is zigazig ahh. 
Anyone else have a band like this?

Happy Thursday everyone! 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Feb Photos - finale

I had fun with my first ever photo challenge - and I will probably do it again, but not in March - I need a little break....April possibly. 

Feb 14: Heart.  Iguana love you forever.

Feb 15: Phone. My desk phone.
Feb 16: Something new. My new earrings from Jeffrey

Feb 17: Time.  Bed time

Feb 18: Drink.  The bucket drink with my momma.

Feb 19: Something I hate to. Laundry - it just seems to be a never ending chore

Feb 20: Handwriting - always have a running shopping list up on the fridge
Feb 21: A fave photo of you.  I don't think this picture needs any explanation

Feb 22: Where you work. My little desk in the office
Feb 23: Your shoes. This is a little dark but, none the less, my shoes

Feb 24: Insider your bathroom cabinet.  My apartment has very little bathroom space, what you see is all we have. So I'm lucky to date a guy that doesn't primp like a girl.  Deodorant and a razor is all he needs. As for me, I have a problem.
Feb 25: Green. Fried pickles!  YUMMM my favorite deep fried snack
Feb 26: Night.  Oscar night, complete with champagne and chocolate
Feb 27: Something you ate.  My little dinner an uncrustable and an apple
Feb 28: Money.  All the money I have in my wallet - I rarely ever have cash and when I do it's only a few bucks.

Feb 29: Something your listening to - on my busy nights I love to put on my ipod and dance while I do whatever I am doing. It helps make sucky chores like dishes and sweeping more fun :)

And that's all folks!  

Happy March!!! EPPS ITS MARCH!  Spring is finally around the corner! 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I'm a Bulldog...

So this has been about a year and a half in the making but after a lot of thought and many long chats and some soul searching in January I finally decided to complete my application to graduate school that I had chickened out from completing last year; well last week I got the big news that I had been accepted! eeps! In the fall I will be going back to school. I am excited/nervous/scared, I want to vomit and I want to jump up and down. I have so many different emotions running through me right now. Jeff asked why I wasn't acting more excited....well because I am freaking out, school is hard, time consuming and expensive. I am thrilled that I was accepted and that I rocked my interview and I love Butler. BUT having a full time job and going to school will be tricky. But this is something I want so badly - so I need to put aside my fears and kiss my nerves goodbye and kick some mega grad school behind. When I see myself in five years I see myself being a high school counselor and that makes me more excited than anything else. In order to do that and be there I need to be in graduate school.   It feels really awesome to be heading where I want to be and I am pretty excited to be a Bulldog.

A big huge thank you is also necessary to my parents and Jeffrey for supporting me and giving me the push I needed to get this done.
(and maybe a small thank you to my desk job for making me realize I can not do that for the rest of my life!) 

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Movie Reviews

I have watched a hand full over movies over the past couple of weeks and wanted to share my reviews with you. 

What's Your Number - This was a classic chick flick, 100% predictable, yet super cute.  Jeff and I both enjoyed it and laughed through out.  I really liked the characters and the story line. I was surprised I liked it so much because I do not like Ana Faris that much, but she was perfect for the role and Chris Evans is super cute and I loved his character.

50/50 - I loved this one. I laughed, I cried and I laughed again.  Really cute, I don't want to say much that would give away the ending but I 100% recommend renting this one.  The tale of two friends is loving, honest and fun.

Drive - I did not know what to expect from this one.  When we were at Red Box I did not want to get it but Jeff said he heard it was good.  So I obliged thinking I would just take a nap during it....but I was incredibly surprised.  Right off the bat I was intrigued with the music and the scenes, but I still had no idea where this movie was going. Once it got going and I knew the plot I really liked it a lot.  It was really bloody and made my stomach flip a few times; but overall I was quite pleased with the movie and would recommend it. Ladies watch this with your guy and then make him watch one of the two below with you!

The Vow - Okay........ this was cute and sweet.  Obviously I love that it is based off a true love story and it has a happy ending.  But it was not nearly as lovey-dovey as I was hoping for.  It is not the new Notebook but it was cute and I am glad that I went to see it. I just almost wanted to cry a little bit, but I didn't. Jeff didn't mind it either, he thought it was long, but he did not hate sitting through it.

One Day - Now this is movie to see if you want to cry sob uncontrollably. I loved it, for sure one of the greatest movies I have ever seen.  I loved Anne Hatheway and Jim Sturgess they played their parts so well.  I loved the story line and the epic love story.  I loved every second of it even though it broke my heart into a million pieces, I getting weepy just thinking of it....yes I was that attached to the characters.   Please please please rent this movie - I think I might even buy it. Jeff did not watch it, he was at work, so I can't say what a guy would think, but ladies I promise you will love this.

Have you seen any good/bad movies lately?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Feb Photos Pt.2

Hey Friends - I have fallen a little behind on my postings due to my spotty Internet connection at home. But here are my Feb Photos! Enjoy : )

I haven't done today's yet - but now we are all caught up! 

Happy Feb and Happy Valentines Day my lovelies!

Feb 6 - dinner.
Chicken Kiev, baked potato and a spinach/cucumber salad.

Feb 7 - button.
Tanning button

Feb 8 - sun
Unfortunately there was no sun on this day. Just clouds.

Feb 9 - front door
I love our front door. I love the brick and the white and the pop
of blue.

Feb 10 - self portrait

Feb 11 - makes you happy
Okay, I know this is an a.w.f.u.l picture of me but it's honest.
What makes me happy is lazy days on the couch with Jeff
Days when we dont put our contact in and I dont put make up on
those days are the best days
Just please ignore my fat face.

Feb 12 - inside your closet
I love my closet, because it is huge.

Feb 13 - blue
the throw blanket on the end of our bed is blue.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Feb Photos pt. 1

So far I have been participating in the Feb. Photo challenge - if you follow me on instagram you have seen most of these....but I want to blog them with more detail.
Here is the reminder again of what I am taking pictures of....

Feb 1:  Your view today.  I was driving to the gym at about 6:30 and thought the sky looked so pretty. The gorgeous weather here lately has been unbelievable and on Wednesday it lead to a beautiful sunset!

Feb 2: Words.  Jeff has been writing me love notes for a long time, and I recently went through all the old ones and I plan on scrap booking them.

Feb 3: Hands.  Okay, I know I am a giant sap, but here are our hands.  Jeff and I always hold hands across the table while we are waiting for our food or just chatting.  I really love that.

Feb 4: Strangers.  We went to the Pacers game last night and saw a whole bunch of strangers.  But these two were the coolest - Floyd Money Mayweather and 50cent....50 is in the blue hat and Money is to his left.

Feb 5: 10am.  This one isn't exactly 10am.  But close enough.  An egg sandwich and super bowl pre-game coverage on the TV

Happy Sunday, Happy Super Bowl (go giants!) and Happy Feb Photos!